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CD Library

The menu above lists the categories we publish.

Below you will find links to all the CD’s available in alphabetical order:

Career Power Ambition

Available from Amazon – https://amzn.to/2KLjQvz

or search your local Amazon Store for item: B07CBZT4K4

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Eliminate Smoking with a Day at the Beach

Available from Amazon – http://amzn.to/2CBuaSr

or search your local Amazon Store for item: B00OQLR8EK

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Hypnosis for Actors: Communicating Your Admiration Classic

Available from Amazon – http://amzn.to/2m3oVDW

or search your local Amazon Store for item: B00P2ZELUI


"Change Your Life:: Change Your Thinking Kindle Edition"
Get this book from Amazon Now!

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